
Paul Deffenbaugh

Checklist for a Full-Value Home Building Business

Here's a 23-point checklist of items to help home builders create full value for their company.
Jan. 1, 2007

What Price Process?

I'm a process guy. I like to figure out the best way to do something and develop a way to implement that on a consistent basis. I think many builders like to do that for constructio...
Sept. 1, 2006

Value Versus Reduction

When you discount, you undermine the value of the service you are offering. The way to improve the bottom line and make it more resilient to the ups and downs of the economy and...
May 1, 2006

Detail Work

History credits the famous architect Le Corbusier with the phrase "God is in the details." He was offering a more positive affirmation of the old proverb, "The devil...
March 1, 2006

A Service Business

Custom builders are finding allies in a new place — their suppliers. A few short years ago, the residential construction industry seemed to be focused on removing what they...
Jan. 1, 2006

Internecine Warfare

Over the years, the relationship between builders and architects has been akin to the relationship between two head-strong brothers.
Nov. 1, 2005