
Mike Beirne, Editor

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Custom Home Building: Getting What You Pay For And More

Incentive compensation plans can reward performance but be careful about what you’re paying for. 
Nov. 12, 2014
1 Lake Haven Of Crabapple Madison Living Room

Design Spotlight: Fireplaces

Three award-winning architects and designers share how they use fireplaces to transform the look and feel of a room.
Nov. 12, 2014
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Design Spotlight: Water Features

Three award-winning architects and designers share how they transform water elements in and around the home into distinct custom looks.
Sept. 16, 2014
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Custom Home Building: Keep Their Dream House From Becoming Your Nightmare

Builders share their strategies for keeping hold of the reins on their custom home projects.
Sept. 16, 2014

Custom Home Building Accounting: To Deduct or Capitalize?

A recent Tax Court case highlights steps custom builders can take to get better deductions for some of their indirect costs.
July 23, 2014
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Design Spotlight: Stairways

Three award-winning architects and designers share how they transform a prominent, functional element of the home into a distinct custom look.
July 23, 2014
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Custom Builders on the Move

Three companies discuss the importance of instituting design studios, cultivating relationships, and offering quality work.
May 16, 2014
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Design Spotlight: Lighting

Three award-winning designers explain how they approach lighting essentials for a custom-home bathroom, powder room, kitchen, and closet.
May 9, 2014