
Tom Stephani, Custom Construction Concepts

Pointers for Dealing with Troublesome Custom-Home Clients

Custom builders should learn the difference between a true "client from hell" and a problem client they created themselves.
Nov. 1, 2009

Custom Builders Just Stayin’ Alive

Custom Builder Tom Stephani reports on the NAHB Spring Board meeting in late May -- the good and the bad.
July 1, 2009

Boomers' Downsizing Dilemma

Baby Boomers' motivations and purpose for downsizing must be understood because they aren't always what they appear to be
May 1, 2009

Your Custom Building Company's Path to Going Green

From a custom builder's perspective, whether you should jump into the deep end of the green pool or merely dip your toe into the shallow end depends on many factors. Here's what...
Nov. 1, 2008

Custom-Home Builders: Nip Client Misconceptions in the Bud

Homebuilders can create stronger relationships with their homebuyers by dispelling misconceptions early on and clearly spelling out what they should and should not expect.
May 1, 2008

How custom homebuilders can better manage customer service

Columnist Tom Stephani shows how custom-home builders can focus on helping homebuyers understand the building process.
April 1, 2008