Soaking Up The Sun
In Sacramento, Calif., home owners can generate their own electricity on cloudy and cold winter days. On sunny days, these same home owners generate nearly all the power needed to meet their home energy needs.
Local builders have partnered with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District to develop Zero Energy Homes, which feature the latest in energy efficiency equipment, tighter building standards and solar tile roofs to generate electricity. At Premier Gardens, built by Premier Homes, the solar roof tiles are reducing annual energy bills by as much as 60 percent. For example, summer energy bills show charges ranging from $30 per month to zero to credits when excess electricity was sold back to the utility.
The Zero Energy Home features:
- a 2-kilowatt solar electric system,
- energy efficient appliances, lighting and HVAC, including low air infiltration,
- Energy Star windows,
- a 90 percent efficient furnace,
- heating and cooling ducts buried in attic insulation,
- a tankless water heater with .82 energy factor and
- fluorescent lighting.