Measuring Housing Affordability Market by Market

Housing Giants columnist John Burns outlines how affordability issues have affected different housing markets in this economic cycle — and what it means for home builders.
Feb. 22, 2008

GIANTS Flock to Reno, Inland Empire Markets

Long-term housing demands holds in Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif., and Reno, Nev.
Oct. 1, 2004

Rural Areas on the Rise in the East

It is not often that a rural area rises from obscurity to become one of the 50 largest housing markets in the country, but that is what is happening on the outskirts of Washington...
Aug. 1, 2004

Manage Supply With Demand

Our advice: Let your consumers tell you where to buy land and what to build on it, and avoid the outskirts where new home competition is significant.
June 1, 2004

Tough Times to Continue in Dallas-Fort Worth

This month, we feature two dramatically different markets with almost identical home prices, Dallas-Fort Worth and Jacksonville, Fla. The Dallas-Fort Worth housing market is struggling...
April 1, 2004

Increase Your Market Knowledge

Understand and monitor housing market conditions to decide where to allocate resources and expand your business.
Feb. 1, 2004