Standard recruiting procedures are great for finding standard-issue employees. But finding great talent requires something better — and the key is to not wait until you have a...
Everybody loves a parade. And considering the benefits of a parade of homes, custom builders ought to love them more than most. Building a home for exhibition — whether you call...
Custom builders make a serious mistake when they don't consider landscape design until near the end of construction. When landscape architects are involved in a project from...
The better that custom builders understand their clients' expectations, anticipate possible areas of disappointment, and communicate with them about the realities, the more likely...
Custom builders who take the time to understand what their clients want to achieve in the design of their home, who educate themselves on what materials and products are available...
As builders pick up the pieces from the 2005 hurricane season, it is probable that they will be giving serious consideration to storm-proof options for their clients. One...