
Nigel Maynard, Editor-in-Chief

Library wall

Design Detail: Moody Blues Between Home Offices

See the creative solution for keeping his and her home offices separate and private
June 10, 2021
SYMBI net zero home exterior

Case Study: Zero-Sum Gain

Mixing energy-efficient, net zero construction with custom-build home touches 
June 8, 2021
Floating stairs

Design Details: Stairways

This staircase not only connects the first and second floors; it opens the house to the backyard.
Dec. 28, 2020
Fireplace with metal mesh

Design Details: The Transparent Fireplace

A remodel that has heft and lets the light shine through
Aug. 4, 2020

Design Details: Easy Stair

A steel staircase would be too expensive, but the exposed timbers inside provided inspiration
Dec. 19, 2019

Details: Light on the Land

The ankle windows on this project is an example of a good detail solving a problem.
Jan. 20, 2016