
Mark Richardson, CR, Contributing Editor

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Custom Home Building: World Class Team

Now is the time to assess whether you have the team members your business needs in order to grow with the recovery.
Nov. 11, 2014
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Custom Home Building: Is It You or Is It the Market?

The health of your business, not market conditions, must improve if you want to be more successful.
Sept. 12, 2014
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Mark Richardson: Walking the Client

A one-approach-fits-all mentality won’t work with your controlling clients.
Nov. 14, 2013
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Mark Richardson: What is your end game?

Preparing a path for exiting your business calls for defining what you want your destination to be.
Sept. 19, 2013
912745 40732794

Mark Richardson: Do you have a sales process?

Most people have found ways to gain more efficacies though repetition. Having a sales process allows you to achieve much higher levels of success (better close rates, higher...
May 24, 2013
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Mark Richardson: Help your potential clients feel more confident

Confidence. Such a simple word but also a word that may have more to do with your success or failure than any other.
April 2, 2013
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Is your stock rising or falling?

Making sense of things and communicating those feelings is more important than ever. The last five years have dramatically changed the way your clients, your team, and even you...
March 8, 2013