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The Do's and Don'ts of Print Marketing for Custom Builders

Custom Builder

The Do's and Don'ts of Print Marketing for Custom Builders

See how print advertising can differentiate your brand and understand what makes impactful print marketing

By Mindy Lepp, LEPPDESIGN August 14, 2024
print marketing for contractors
LEPPDESIGN created these print magazine advertisements for Hays Farm. | Image courtesy LEPPDESIGN

In this digital age, it's tempting to dismiss print marketing as outdated and irrelevant. However, if executed correctly, print marketing can still be a highly effective tool that differentiates your business.

Here are some essential do's and don'ts to help you maximize the success of your print marketing campaigns.

DO: Know Your Audience

The first and most crucial rule is to definitely do print marketing only if your target demographic values tangible materials. 

Typically, individuals aged 40 and above appreciate the tactile experience of print. However, it's essential to conduct thorough research to ensure that print marketing aligns with your specific audience's preferences. Understanding your target demographic's behavior and preferences is the foundation of any successful marketing campaign.


DON’T: Ignore Audience Preferences

On the flip side, don't invest in print marketing if your audience is unlikely to resonate with it. For example, if your focus is on starter homes or young apartment dwellers, print ads might not be effective. 

Younger audiences tend to engage more with digital content. Again, research is key. Analyze where your audience spends their time and what type of media they consume to make informed decisions about your marketing strategies.

Studies suggest that a potential customer needs to see your brand at least seven times before they consider doing business with you. A common mistake is to give up too soon.

DO: Be Consistent

A critical aspect of print marketing is consistency. Do ensure that your print marketing efforts are continuous and repetitive. 

Studies suggest that a potential customer needs to see your brand at least seven times before they consider doing business with you. A common mistake is to give up too soon. 

Comments like, "I advertised in that magazine once and received no response," or "I sent a couple of mailers and no one called," often stem from insufficient repetition. 

To achieve optimal results, plan for a sustained campaign that lasts at least six months to a year, particularly in industries with long buying cycles like building and remodeling.


DON’T: Expect Immediate Results

Don't expect instant gratification from a single ad or mailer. 

Effective print marketing requires patience and persistence, especially in sectors with extended decision-making processes, such as the building industry, where a potential customer might take months to act. 

Think long term, not just short term. You’re building recognition and trust. A mailer received today could be the first step in a lengthy buying journey down the road. Maintaining visibility over time ensures that your brand remains top of mind when the customer is ready to make a decision.


DO: Utilize QR Codes

Incorporating modern technology into your print marketing can significantly enhance its effectiveness. Do use QR codes in your ads to bridge the gap between print and digital. 

QR codes have made a comeback and are valuable tools for tracking and engagement. They allow customers to seamlessly transition from your print ad to your online content, providing an interactive experience.

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DON’T: Link QR Codes to Your Homepage

A common mistake with QR codes is directing them to your website's homepage. Don't do this. 

Instead, create specific landing pages for each print ad. These landing pages should acknowledge the source of the QR code, such as "Thank you for scanning our QR code from the Orlando Florida Magazine." 

This personalization helps reinforce the connection between the print ad and your brand. It also allows for better tracking and analytics, enabling you to measure the effectiveness of each specific ad campaign.


DO: Integrate with Digital Campaigns

To maximize the impact of your print marketing, do integrate it with your digital campaigns. 

Cross-promote your print ads on your social media channels and include your social handles in your print materials. Encourage readers to follow you online for additional content and updates. This multi-channel approach reinforces your message and broadens your reach.


DON’T: Rely Solely on Print

While print marketing has its strengths, don't rely on it exclusively. A well-rounded marketing strategy leverages multiple channels to reach a wider audience. 

Combining print with digital marketing, email campaigns, social media, and other methods ensures that you connect with your audience wherever they are. Diversifying your marketing efforts also provides more touchpoints, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.


DO: Measure and Adjust

Do measure the results of your print marketing efforts and be ready to adjust your strategy as needed. Use tracking tools like unique QR codes, custom landing pages, and dedicated phone numbers to gather data on the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

Analyzing this data helps you understand what works and what doesn't, allowing you to refine your approach and improve future campaigns.


DON’T: Neglect Follow-Up

Don't forget to follow up with leads generated through your print marketing. Whether it's a phone call, email, or another touchpoint, following up is crucial to converting interest into sales. A well-timed follow-up can make all the difference in turning a potential customer into a loyal client.

Print marketing remains a viable and valuable component of a comprehensive marketing strategy. By following these do's and don'ts, you can create effective print marketing campaigns that complement your digital efforts and help you reach your business goals. 

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your audience, being consistent, integrating with other marketing channels, and continually measuring and adjusting your strategy.

Mindy Lepp is the Marketing Director at LEPPDESIGN, a design and marketing firm headquartered in St. Augustine, Fla., serving a nationwide client base. Mindy has committed herself to serving in the home building industry, having chaired the Professional Women in Building (PWB) Jacksonville chapter in 2022 and currently leading the NAHB PWB Professional Development Subcommittee as Chair for 2024. She has been a steadfast NAHB PWB Trustee since 2023 and was selected as part of the inaugural class of the NAHB Leadership Program in 2024, highlighting her commitment to industry leadership and development.

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