

A few generations ago people went to the icebox to grab what they needed. Now, iCEBOX LLC is hoping upscale kitchen users will do so again — but to grab information, not food.

A few generations ago people went to the icebox to grab what they needed. Now, iCEBOX LLC is hoping upscale kitchen users will do so again — but to grab information, not food.

The “ice” in iCEBOX stands for information, communication and entertainment. The iCEBOX LCD FlipScreen is a 12.1-inch LCD screen television that mounts under a kitchen cabinet and folds to 4 inches wide when not in use. The cable-ready unit allows users to watch TV, connect to broadband Internet access or even interface with a home monitoring system to see who’s at the door or whether the baby is still asleep. The unit also features a built-in DVD and audio CD player and is controlled by a washable, wireless keyboard.

As you might expect, this kind of convenience doesn’t come cheap — the unit sells for $3,499. The company also has a countertop unit for $899. For more information, call 877/463-7637 or go to

About the Author

Meghan Stromberg, Senior Editor

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