A Better, Faster Housing Giants
Next year, you will receive Housing Giants four times as often as you do now. Instead of getting the magazine every other month, we'll send it to you every other week. That will give you more timely news at a time when you need to be on top of what's going on in the industry.
(View a video demonstration.)
You'll continue to get our great columnists, feature articles and insights from Senior Editor Bill Lurz. In addition, you're receiving the latest news about industry issues, economic events, major moves by the big players and recent trends.
How can we do that? We're going to send it to you in digital form. You'll receive Housing Giants right at your work station in a format that looks exactly like our current magazine, but it will be on your computer.
By sending the magazine out digitally, we can connect you with even more information. All the articles will be linked to great resources, making a complete understanding of the housing industry just a click away. For example, when we reference a survey in an article, we will link to the whole survey so you can quickly see the data yourself — data we don't have room to print. We'll link to all our columnists, the Web sites of the companies we talk about, our sources and our advertisers. Using this format, you'll be tapped into a whole world right from our magazine.
We know our readers love print. We do too. You'll still be able to print Housing Giants and take it to the job site, to a meeting or on a plane.
Besides better connection, the digital format allows us to offer you a bigger variety of information. We can embed both audio and video files in the magazine. Instead of seeing a pull quote from a leading home builder, you'll be able to hear that person speak about the information in greater depth. Instead of hearing about events happening across the country, such as Professional Builder Show Village, you'll have video showing the event right on the page of the magazine.
Our enriched media elements will bring more life to each article, making you feel as though you were there while the reporting was taking place.
Your Housing Giants Subscription
Current subscribers who have supplied an e-mail address will receive the first digital Feb. 7. If we don't have your e-mail address, or if you're not certain we do, you can go to www.getfreemag.com/gia to sign up.
We encourage you to spread the word and have other members of your team sign up to receive the digital edition. Sign up is easy and take seconds: go to www.getfreemag.com/gia and answer YES to the digital question.
Need to add subscribe or provide an e-mail address? www.getfreemag.com/gia; answer YES to the digital question.
From our team to yours: thank you for your readership, and we look forward to bringing you the next generation of Housing Giants.